Stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip
Stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip

stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip

The developments were paused in April 2012 and have been continued since 2018. In mid-August 2010, GSC Game World announced that it would publish a sequel in 2012 under the name STALKER 2. The story is inspired by the novel Picnic by the wayside by Arkadi and Boris Strugazki, which was filmed in 1979 by Andrei Tarkowski under the title Stalker. It was announced in 2001, but did not appear until March 2007 - as “one of the most anticipated titles in gaming history”. The game belongs to the genre of first-person shooters, but also has role-playing elements. The story of the reactor catastrophe of 1986 continues in the game through an imaginary event another explosion and the establishment of a restricted area in which anomalies arise.

stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (usually just called Stalker for short ) is a computer game by the Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, which is set in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Screenshot of Stalker's Shadow of Chernobyl

Stalker shadow of chernobyl no clip